Month: January 2015

  • Titus Andronicus act 1 part 2

    setting: The tomb of ANDRONICI. characters: Captain, Titus Andronicus, Lucius and Tamora. Events:  Titus Andronicus has returned to Rome and has captured the barbarous Goths queen Tamora, she tries to contemplate with Titus Andronicus as Titus has given the order to kill Tamoras’ son she tries to tell Titus that he has just lost 25…

  • Titus Andronicus. act 1, part 1

    Setting: the tomb of ANDRONICI Characters: saturninus, bassianus and Marcus Andronicus Events: saturninus and bassianus are debating who should be king and Marcus Andronicus then comes onto the scene and tells them both that Titus Andronicus is fit to be emperor as he is an excellent fighter and they both agree. Themes: explores how 1…